Powerpoint Presentations

It is a presentation preparation program that developed by Microsoft; compatible with PC and Mac systems and widely used. It provides a smooth operation of presentation when you share your presentation with different people thanks to its wide use. It enables you to use different materials together such as video, image, graphic, table and audio files.

Keynote Presentations

It is a presentation preparation program that developed by Apple; compatible with Mac systems and have powerful animation effects. It limits sharing with other people thanks to its non-wide use. This is also an advantage. The presentation enriched by different visual effects is found more attractive by the audience compared to the routine presentation effects. This will enhance interest in your presentation.

Prezi Presentations

It is a presentation preparation program compatible with Mac and pc, developed by the Prezi. It's used online and offline. It is fictionalized with transition between the slides with flying camera slides within a cyber space. It creates different atmosphere from other presentation programs. It enables using so many materials together such as photograph, video, background music, graphics.

Video Presentations

It is the presentation sub structure where the most original presentations are prepared. It is preferred for the executive presentations without any substructure limits. Think about a presentation prepared by special effects used in Hollywood movies... Or trailer within holograms... We can prepare 2D cartoon animations and also presentation developed with 3D animations... If you want to have different things; we can push the limits of your imaginations with presentations that can be watched with 3D glasses and having 4K video technology.

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